Unlock Inner Peace: 200+ Powerful Mindfulness Quotes to Inspire and Transform Your Life in 2024
/enjoy these Mindfulness Quotes for managing stress and anxiety or for uplifting yourself and others
In this page filled with quotes on mindfulness, I aim to provide you with nuggets of wisdom that can potentially transform your life or the lives of those you love and serve.
Contents: Mindful Quotes
There’s many sections on this page. This set of contents can help you find the right quotes for you.
Where did I get these Mindfulness Quotes from?
This collection I’ve chosen features a curated list of inspiring mindfulness quotes from luminaries such as The Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Tara Brach, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Kristin Neff, Pema Chodrun and many more.
These mindful and compassionate thinkers have devoted their lives to understanding the essence of mindfulness and its transformative power, and their words serve as an invaluable guide on this path.
Each mindful quote is a seed of wisdom. A reminder of the serenity and joy that can be found here and now.
Let's embark on this journey of mindfulness together, one quote at a time.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the skill of flexibly cultivating present moment awareness with a sense of kindness, curiosity and openness. At the heart of mindfulness is being kind to yourself and others.
What are the benefits of Mindfulness Quotes?
Quotes about mindfulness hold the ability to anchor you back to the present moment. They grant a fresh perspective and serene outlook amidst your daily life.
By bringing mindfulness to your life, you learn to live deeply in the present, helping you feel connected and deal with stress and anxiety more effectively.
You can use these quotes for your mindfulness quote of the day by bookmarking or downloading this page.
We’ll start with some short mindful quotes.
Short Mindfulness Quotes
Here’s 12 short mindful quotes for daily inspiration and contemplation to get us started.
"The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.” – Pema Chodron
“The way out is in.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Wherever you are, be there totally." - Eckhart Tolle
“No mud, no lotus.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” - Lao Tzu
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you.” - Anne Lamott
“Present moment, wonderful moment.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
“No matter how difficult the past, you can always begin again today.” – Jack Kornfield
“The present moment is all you have.” – Eckhart Tolle
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf” – Jon Kabat-Zinn
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” – Frank Zappa
“Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” - Epictetus
“Let the breath lead the way.” - Sharon Salzberg
“Be as you are.” - Ramana Maharshi
“Be here now.” - Ram Dass
“Peace begins with a smile” - Mother Teresa
"Let go or be dragged." - Zen Quote
"This too shall pass." - Persian Proverb
"Chop wood, carry water." - Zen Saying
"Awareness is the greatest agent for change." - Eckhart Tolle
"The way out is through." - Robert Frost
Be Mindful Quotes
"Feelings are just visitors. Let them come and go." - Mooji
“Don’t just be mindful. Be kindful!” - Ajahn Brahm
“The important thing is not to stop questioning.” - Albert Einstein
“Being mindful isn’t hard - it’s fun!” - Ellen Langer PhD
“Actively notice new things.” - Ellen Langer PhD
“Be mindful. Your mind will thank you for it.” - Shamash Alidina
Mindfulness and Gratitude Quotes
“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” - A.A. Milne
“Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.” - Arianna Huffington
“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.” - Maya Angelou
“I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.” - Will Arnett
“We learned about gratitude and humility - that so many people had a hand in our success." - Michelle Obama
"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty." - Doris Day
“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.” - Vietnamese Proverb
“‘Enough’ is a feast.” - Buddhist Proverb
“Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.” - Rumi
“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” - Meister Eckhart
Mindfulness Quotes for Work
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” — Eckhart Tolle
“Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.” —Marcus Aurelius
“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
“I am a lover of what is, not because I'm a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality.” - Byron Katie
"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." - Deepak Chopra
"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." - Oprah Winfrey
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl
“When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body's response to stress.” - Kelly McGonigal
“Slowing down the action speeds up the outcome.” - Shamash Alidina
Mindfulness Quotes for Adults
mindfulness quote by thich nhat hanh
"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor." - Thich Nhat Hanh
“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness” -Jon Kabat-Zinn
With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment." - Thích Nhất Hạnh
“It's not your job to like me - it's mine.” - Byron Katie
“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.” - Hans Selye
Mindfulness Quotes for Education
Here’s an uplifting set of mindfulness quotes for teachers, students and kids. Enjoy reflecting on them. I’m still a big kid and loved these quotes!
Mindfulness Quotes for Teachers
"Education is not the filling of a pot but the lighting of a fire." - Y.B. Yeats
“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” - Anna Quindlen
"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstein
"Teaching is an instinctual art, mindful of potential, craving of realizations, a pausing, seamless process." - A Bartlett Giamatti
"I am not a teacher, but an awakener." - Robert Frost
Mindfulness Quotes for Students
"In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived, how well we have loved, and how well we have learned to let go." - Jack Kornfield
“The beautiful thing about learning is no one can take it away from you.” - B.B. King
“You are good enough.” - Unknown
"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." - Chinese Proverb.
“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde
“Slow down to speed up.” - Unknown
Mindfulness Quotes for Kids
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." - Maya Angelou
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein
"Take a deep breath. It’s like giving your brain a hug." - Shamash Alidina
"Be where your feet are." - Shamash Alidina
"Mindfulness is like being a detective for your feelings." - Shamash Alidina
"Your mind is like big, big sky. Thoughts are just like fluffy clouds passing by." - Shamash Alidina
"When you smile, your heart smiles too." - Shamash Alidina
"Listening to the sounds around you is like music for your ears." - Shamash Alidina
"Kind words are seeds that grow happiness." - Shamash Alidina
"Feel your feet on the ground - they help you stand strong." - Shamash Alidina
"Your breath is your superpower—it helps you calm down when you're upset." - Shamash Alidina
"Every time you notice something, it's like finding treasure in your day." - Shamash Alidina
“Keep noticing new things all day long - it’s fun!" - Shamash Alidina
Mindfulness Quotes for Mental Health
Mindfulness Quotes for Anxiety
“Pain is not wrong. Reacting to pain as wrong initiates the trance of unworthiness. The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat the pain.” - Tara Brach
“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems” - Epictetus
“We hurt where we care.” - Steven C. Hayes
“Anxiety was born in the very same moment as mankind. And since we will never be able to master it, we will have to learn to live with it—just as we have learned to live with storms.” - Paulo Coelho
“When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.” - Pema Chodron
Mindfulness Quotes for Stress
“Stress happens when something you care about is at stake. It's not a sign to run away - it's a sign to step forward.” - Kelly McGonigal
“Think of a situation in your life that is difficult, that is causing you stress. Call the situation to mind, and see if you can actually feel the stress and emotional discomfort in your body. That's mindfulness.” - Kristin Neff
“Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting.” - Jack Kornfield
“All the suffering, stress, and addiction comes from not realizing you already are what you are looking for. To drop into being means to recognize your interconnectedness with all life, and with being itself.” - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness Quotes for Difficult Times
“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” — Oprah Winfrey
"Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that's good." — Elizabeth Edwards
“Right in the difficult we must have our joys, our happiness, our dreams: there against the depth of this background, they stand out, there for the first time we see how beautiful they are.” - ― Rainer Maria Rilke
“When life is good do not take it for granted as it will pass. Be mindful, be compassionate and nurture the circumstances that find you in this good time so it will last longer. When life falls apart always remember that this too will pass. Life will have its unexpected turns.” ― Ajahn Brahm
“Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack, in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” - Leonard Cohen
“It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others.” ― Dalai Lama
“It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.” ― Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Mindfulness and Self Care Quotes
“This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.” ― Kristin Neff
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” - Oprah Winfrey
“Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.” - Deborah Day
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” - Oscar Wilde
“Rather than letting our negativity get the better of us, we could acknowledge that right now we feel like a piece of shit and not be squeamish about taking a good look.” ― Pema Chödrön
“Remember that if you really want to motivate yourself, love is more powerful than fear.” ― Kristin Neff
Mindfulness and Resilience Quotes
“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” —Maya Angelou
“Someone I once loved gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” —Mary Oliver
“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend. “ - Bruce Lee
Mindfulness Quotes for Happiness
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
“Happiness, not in another place but this place… not for another hour, but this hour.” – Walt Whitman
“The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!” - Dolly Parton
“The quieter you become the more happiness you have.” — Ajahn Brahm
Mindfulness Quotes for Everyday Use
Mindfulness Quotes of the Day
“Wherever you are, be there totally.” Eckhart Tolle
“The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” Osho
“Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment.” - Rumi
“Paradise is not a place; it's a state of consciousness.” Sri Chinmoy
Mindfulness Monday Quotes
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung
“In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being.” – Eckhart Tolle
The basic root of happiness lies in our minds; outer circumstances are nothing more than adverse or favorable. –Matthieu Ricard
Mindfulness Quotes for Instagram
"Let your heart be your guide." - Unknown
"Be present. Be patient. Be you." - Unknown
“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.” – Pema Chodron
“Want to be mindful? Switch off your phone. Switch on your senses.” - Shamash Alidina
"Be as gentle with yourself as you are with others." - Unknown
“Disconnect to connect.” - Unknown
"Tune into the breath, tune out of the stress." - Shamash Alidina
"Nature is our greatest teacher” - Unknown
"Progress, not perfection." - Unknown
Mindfulness Quotes by Spiritual Leaders
Here’s a selection of mindfulness and meditation quotes by what most people would call spiritual teachers or leaders.
Mindfulness Quotes by Buddha
There are many fake Buddha quotes on the internet. These quotes have been checked to be real.
“As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life.” - Buddha
“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance.” - Buddha
“Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.” - Buddha
“If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.” - Buddha
“Ardently do today what must be done. Who knows? Tomorrow, death comes.” - Buddha
“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world — above, below, and across — unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.” - Buddha
“All experiences are preceded by mind, having mind as their master, created by mind.” - Buddha
“When watching after yourself, you watch after others. When watching after others, you watch after yourself.” - Buddha
“Train yourself to attain peace.” - Buddha
“A disciplined mind brings happiness.” - Buddha
“Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise, gathering it little by little, fills themselves with good.” - Buddha
Meditation Quotes by Osho
“Witnessing is not a technique, it is your nature.” - Osho
“Don’t move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move.” - Osho
“Experience life in all possible ways - good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.” - Osho
“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously.” - Osho
“Be — don't try to become” - Osho
Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was a spiritual teacher from India known for his profound and often provocative insights.
Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes
"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Smile, breathe, and go slowly." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Life is available only in the present moment." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Every one of us already has the seed of mindfulness. The practice is to cultivate it." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes." - Thich Nhat Hanh
"When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace and love." - Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh is a revered Vietnamese Buddhist monk, peace activist, and prolific author. Born in 1926, he's recognized globally for his teachings on mindfulness and peace. Thich Nhat Hanh played a crucial role in introducing mindfulness to the West and integrating it into modern psychology and medicine. His simple yet profound teachings have touched millions, empowering them to live fully in the present moment.
Dalai Lama Quotes on Mindfulness
“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do and mostly Live.” - Dalai Lama
"Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck." - Dalai Lama
"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama
"In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision." - Dalai Lama
"The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self." - Dalai Lama
"We need to learn to want what we have, not to have what we want, in order to get stable and steady happiness." - Dalai Lama
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama
"Silence is sometimes the best answer." - Dalai Lama
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama
"In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher." - Dalai Lama
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." - Dalai Lama
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet and a global symbol of peace, compassion, and Buddhism. He has devoted his life to the pursuit of humanitarian and educational causes, interfaith harmony, and resolving the Tibetan conflict. The Dalai Lama’s teachings, encapsulated in his numerous books, revolve around themes of happiness, mindfulness, and compassion.
Tara Brach Quotes
"The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom." - Tara Brach
"We are born with an innate capacity to experience love and belonging." - Tara Brach
"The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat the pain." - Tara Brach
"We’re never really living in the now. Not when we’re regretting the past or fearing the future." - Tara Brach
"Mindful living is about living in the present with peace and joy." - Tara Brach
"We do not have to improve ourselves; we just have to let go of what blocks our heart." - Tara Brach
"The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves is to remain ignorant by not having the courage to look at ourselves honestly and gently." - Tara Brach
"The spiritual path is not a solo endeavor. In fact, the very notion of a self who is trying to free her/himself is a delusion." - Tara Brach
"We are caught in the trance of fear when the emotion of fear becomes the core of our identity, constricting our capacity to live fully." - Tara Brach
"Nothing is wrong—whatever is happening is just 'real life.'" - Tara Brach
Tara Brach is an American psychologist, author, and proponent of Buddhist meditation. She is a guiding teacher and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, D.C. Brach’s teachings merge Western psychological understanding with Eastern spiritual practices, mindfulness, and personal stories—captivating the hearts of people across the world and inspiring them to live more mindful and compassionate lives.
Sharon Salzberg Quotes
"Mindfulness isn't difficult, we just need to remember to do it." - Sharon Salzberg
"Generosity is a willingness to give, to open without philosophical or pious or religious reasons, just simply how we are as human beings." - Sharon Salzberg
"Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world." - Sharon Salzberg
"It’s never too late to turn on the light. Your ability to break an unhealthy habit or turn off an old tape doesn’t depend on how long it has been running; a shift in perspective doesn’t depend on how long you’ve held on to the old view." - Sharon Salzberg
"When you pay attention to boredom, it gets unbelievably interesting." - Sharon Salzberg
"As we practice meditation, we get used to stillness and eventually are able to make friends with the quietness of our sensations." - Sharon Salzberg
"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Sharon Salzberg
"Every moment is the guru." - Sharon Salzberg
"Mindfulness can play a big role in transforming our lives and the lives of those around us." - Sharon Salzberg
"As we let go of the constant desire for more, we find a deep satisfaction in what is present." - Sharon Salzberg
Sharon Salzberg is a prominent figure in the world of mindfulness and meditation. As a co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, she has been instrumental in bringing Asian meditation practices to the West. Salzberg is well-known for her teachings on Loving Kindness (Metta) meditation and her emphasis on the importance of cultivating compassion and empathy in daily life.
Mindfulness Quotes by Eckhart Tolle
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.” ― Eckhart Tolle
“The past has no power over the present moment.” ― Eckhart Tolle
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” ― Eckhart Tolle
“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” ― Eckhart Tolle
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” ― Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle is a contemporary spiritual teacher and best-selling author, known for his teachings about living in the present moment. His books, "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth," have been incredibly influential, resonating with a wide audience worldwide. Tolle’s teachings focus on moving beyond personal suffering through internal transformation and finding true peace in the Now.
Mindfulness Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh
“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh
“Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness Quotes by Rumi
“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” ― Rumi
“I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.” ― Rumi
“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” - Rumi
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ― Rumi
Buddhist Quotes on Mindfulness
"Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment." - Thich Nhat Hanh
“Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame.” - The Buddha
Mindfulness Quotes from Psychologists, Mindfulness Teachers and Mental Health Experts
Jon Kabat-Zinn Quotes
"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"In Asian languages, the word for 'mind' and the word for 'heart' are the same." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Look at other people and ask yourself if you are really seeing them or just your thoughts about them." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"The little things? The little moments? They aren't little." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all. What is happening? What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear?" - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Wherever you go, there you are." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Jon Kabat-Zinn is an American professor emeritus of medicine, and the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. His Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, which he developed in the late 1970s, has introduced the benefits of mindfulness meditation to thousands and greatly contributed to its popularity in the West.
Kristin Neff Quotes
"With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we'd give to a good friend." - Kristin Neff
"We can't always get what we want. But we can always give ourselves what we need." - Kristin Neff
"We cannot force ourselves to move on from a painful situation — we can only invite ourselves to do so gently and with kindness." - Kristin Neff
"Instead of mercilessly judging and criticizing yourself for various inadequacies or shortcomings, self-compassion means you are kind and understanding when confronted with personal failings." - Kristin Neff
"What if we responded to stressful situations with a sense of curiosity rather than trying to battle our stress into submission?" - Kristin Neff
"When we give ourselves compassion, the tight knot of self-judgment starts to dissolve, replaced by a feeling of peaceful, connected acceptance." - Kristin Neff
"When we can contact our human capacity for kindness, we become more resilient, flexible and capable of dealing with life's difficulties." - Kristin Neff
"The more we get to know our minds and hearts in their majestic peculiarity, the less we need our lives to meet an externally driven definition of success." - Kristin Neff
"In the middle of a crisis, self-compassion enables us to find our center and ground ourselves in kindness." - Kristin Neff
"Being able to turn toward and acknowledge our suffering, with kindness, allows us to begin the process of healing." - Kristin Neff
Dr. Kristin Neff is a trailblazer in the field of self-compassion research and a professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She has extended the concept of mindfulness to include self-kindness, emphasizing the importance of being gentle and understanding with ourselves, especially when we confront personal failings. Through her work, she's helped countless individuals cultivate a more compassionate and accepting relationship with themselves.
Jack Kornfield Quotes
"In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived. How well we have loved. How well we have learned to let go." - Jack Kornfield
"Peace requires us to surrender our illusions of control." - Jack Kornfield
"The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are the moments when we touch one another." - Jack Kornfield
"Mindfulness does not reject experience. It lets experience be the teacher." - Jack Kornfield
"The troubles of the world cannot simply be solved by human reason or personal love. They require a transformation of our hearts." - Jack Kornfield
"When we let go of our battles and open our heart to things as they are, then we come to rest in the present moment. This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice." - Jack Kornfield
"Even in the face of powerful structures of domination, it remains possible for each of us, especially those of us who are members of oppressor groups, to contribute to the dismantling of oppression." - Jack Kornfield
"True love exists when you are the mirror that reflects back to your partner their strength, their true inner light, and the truth of who they are." - Jack Kornfield
"In meditation and in our daily lives there are three qualities that we can nurture, cultivate, and bring out. We already possess these, but they can be ripened: precision, gentleness, and the ability to let go." - Jack Kornfield
"The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?" - Jack Kornfield
Jack Kornfield is a renowned American author and teacher in the Vipassana movement in American Theravada Buddhism. He has trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India and has taught meditation worldwide since 1974. Kornfield's teachings blend mindfulness practices with a perspective that is easy to understand, relatable, and applicable to everyday life.
Pema Chödrön Quotes
"You are the sky. Everything else – it's just the weather." - Pema Chodrun
"We don't set out to save the world; we set out to wonder how other people are doing and to reflect on how our actions affect other people's hearts." - Pema Chodrun
"The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves." - Pema Chodrun
"Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions." - Pema Chodrun
"We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart." - Pema Chodrun
"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It's a relationship between equals." - Pema Chodrun
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Pema Chodrun
"If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher." - Pema Chodrun
"Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us." - Pema Chodrun
"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know." - Pema Chodrun
Pema Chödrön is an American Tibetan Buddhist nun, author, and teacher. She's best known for her approachable style, making complex Buddhist principles understandable and relevant for Western audiences. Her teachings emphasize the value of leaning into, rather than resisting, our difficult emotions as a path towards personal growth and transformation.
Eckhart Tolle Quotes
"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life." - Eckhart Tolle
"Life is the dancer and you are the dance." - Eckhart Tolle
"Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it." - Eckhart Tolle
"In today's rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being." - Eckhart Tolle
"Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be." - Eckhart Tolle
"You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are." - Eckhart Tolle
"Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now." - Eckhart Tolle
"Living up to an image that you have of yourself or that other people have of you is inauthentic living." - Eckhart Tolle
"Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now." - Eckhart Tolle
"The past has no power over the present moment." - Eckhart Tolle
Deepak Chopra Quotes
"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future." - Deepak Chopra
"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." - Deepak Chopra
"The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years." - Deepak Chopra
"Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real." - Deepak Chopra
"No matter what the situation, remind yourself 'I have a choice.'" - Deepak Chopra
"The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself." - Deepak Chopra
"Every person is a God in embryo. Its only desire is to be born." - Deepak Chopra
"The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers." - Deepak Chopra
"When you make a choice, you change the future." - Deepak Chopra
"Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they're all a projection of you." - Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra is an Indian-born American author, public speaker, and advocate for alternative medicine. He has written extensively about spirituality, mind-body medicine, and the exploration of consciousness. Through his work, Chopra seeks to merge the principles of ancient Eastern traditions with Western scientific understanding, fostering a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.
Shamash Alidina Quotes
“All there is, is energy.” - Shamash Alidina
“Mindfulness encourages you to respond to your experience rather than react to thoughts.” - Shamash Alidina
“A reaction is automatic and gives you no choice; a response is deliberate and considered action.” - Shamash Alidina
“Mindfulness means paying attention on purpose, in the present moment and with compassion, curiosity, openness and flexibility.” - Shamash Alidina
“Mindfulness isn't focused on fixing problems. Mindfulness emphasises acceptance first, and change may or may not come later.” - Shamash Alidina
“As an old saying goes, ‘What we resist, persists'. Mindfulness says, ‘What you accept, transforms'.” - Shamash Alidina
“Mindfulness is ultimately a goal-less activity. Mindfulness is process-oriented rather than goal-oriented.” - Shamash Alidina
“The journey of meditation isn't to reach a certain destination - the journey is the destination.” - Shamash Alidina
“If you’re the ocean, what trouble do waves give you?” - Shamash Alidina
“Be the observer self. And if you find yourself trying too hard, don’t forget to smile!” - Shamash Alidina
“Meditation is holding space for yourself” - Shamash Alidina
Shamash Alidina is an author, mindfulness teacher and ACT trainer. With his deep-rooted passion for mindfulness and kindfulness, Alidina has spent years inspiring individuals to live more present, fulfilling lives. He is best known for his book "Mindfulness for Dummies," which serves as a comprehensive guide for those new to mindfulness or those looking to deepen their practice.
I hope you've found inspiration and guidance in our rich collection of mindfulness quotes.
This treasure trove, brimming with insights from globally celebrated thinkers, is designed to empower your journey towards a more mindful life.
These mindful quotes serve not just as fleeting words, but as a wellspring of wisdom to incorporate into your daily life.
Whether you're a novice or an experienced practitioner, these quotes on mindfulness aim to deepen your understanding, boost your awareness, and lead you towards a more present-centered life.
As you continue your mindful journey, revisit these powerful reminders of the extraordinary power of living in the present moment.
PS - Some people search for mindfullness quotes, but the right spelling is of course ‘mindfulness quotes’.
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